Senator Fontana presents Angelea Taylor of Brookline with a Senate citation
congratulating her on her selection to a jazz ensemble which will be performing
during the Grammy Awards in February. Angelea is a Junior at the Pittsburgh
School for the Creative and Performing Arts in Pittsburgh. She and her parents,
Malcolm and Robyn, live in Brookline.

Legislation Prohibiting Private Transfer Fees Re-Introduced
I submitted legislation that prohibits private transfer fees from being imposed
in Pennsylvania to the Senate Secretary for introduction. This is a
re-introduction of
SB 1481 from the last session.
Private transfer fees are a new tool being used by developers or builders. Also
known as a resale fee or a capital recovery fee, a private transfer fee allows
the developer or builder of a home (or in some cases, a commercial property) to
collect 1% (or more) of the sales price from the seller every time the property
changes hands for the next 99 years.
Senate Bill 353 would impose a ban on all new private transfer fees after the
effective date of the legislation. Any person who records or enters into a
private transfer fee agreement in their favor after the effective date would be
liable for any damages resulting from that obligation including transfer fees,
attorney’s fees and other costs to quiet title. The bill would also require the
full disclosure of existing private transfer fees to buyers. Failure to do so
would result in the agreement being unenforceable. The bill also sets up a
process to free the property of that obligation. Finally, the bill requires that
a person entitled to the private transfer fee must register (with the County
Recorder of Deeds) their contact information and respond to inquiries promptly;
failure to do so could result in an action to quiet title.
This is a consumer protection issue. A recent NY Times article on PTFs pointed
out that in some states, a declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions
isn’t included in the closing papers and doesn’t even require a signature.
Essentially, someone with no ownership stake or interest can continue to collect
revenue off of a property that they may have built up to 99 years ago. Opponents
believe that it exploits an already complex real estate transaction and think
that the PTF could also hurt real estate values in the future if buyers are
reluctant to purchase properties that have a PTF attached. Other negative
consequences of the PTF include the fact that it takes equity from consumers,
can cost consumers money when the home is sold, will depress home prices, has no
positive impact on an assessment, creates an additional disincentive to sell or
purchase property in a depressed housing market, reduces transparency for
buyers, creates lien issues for lenders, and increases the risk of title claims.
When introduced, the bill has 34 co-sponsors and I am grateful to my colleagues
for their support of this effort. Last session’s bill passed the Senate
unanimously, but was not taken up by the House before the end of session. I am
hopeful that it will be considered and moved again quickly this session and look
forward to working with my colleagues to accomplish that.

Senate Leadership
I am honored to have
been selected by Democratic Leader
Senator Costa to serve as the Senate
Democratic Caucus Administrator and join
the Senate Leadership Team. Please be
assured that in this new role, I will
continue to focus on the needs of my
district and Allegheny County, but look
forward to working together with my
colleagues on the issues that are of
interest and importance to our caucus.

Mount Washington Development Updates
In case you haven’t heard about it, One Grandview is a
mixed-use development that will include a 163 room hotel, 59 condominium units,
a spa and fitness center, meeting rooms, and a restaurant. The beautifully
designed building will take the place of the former Edge Restaurant. I am
hopeful that the project will stimulate even more economic and community
development on Mount Washington.
can keep up with the development of one
of Mount Washington’s most anticipated
projects. One Grandview has its own
Facebook page so followers can get
information on its progress from those
involved with the project.
This is an exciting project for the
region. It takes a blighted structure
that has been empty for 30 years and
converts the space into productive use.
It invests in the community by providing
jobs, apartments for residents and hotel
rooms for visitors that will spend money
in the area. Plus the developers are
going green and hope to achieve LEED
certification for the building.
The developers will also be providing an
update directly to the Mount Washington
Community Development Corporation as
they prepare for demolition of the
former Edge restaurant. The Community
Forum will be held on February 17th at
the Mount Washington Senior Center at
7:00 p.m. Also at the Forum, MWCDC will
be holding a Community Conversation
about the strategic needs of the

Spring Job Fair
you are currently unemployed, or simply looking for a different job, start
preparing now for Community College of Allegheny County’s (CCAC) spring
Job Fair on Wednesday, March 9. It will be held at CCAC’s South Campus,
Building “B”, 4th Floor Commons. The Job Fair is free and open to the community.
Employers participating in the event will have jobs that need filled
immediately. Just make sure you dress professionally and bring plenty of
For more information
or assistance with writing a resume,
interviewing skills, or using a job fair
effectively, you can schedule an
appointment with Jennifer Holbert or
Melanie Porach. Call 412-469-6214 or
stop by B-453 of the South Campus (1750
Clairton Road, West Mifflin).

OASIS Volunteers Helping Children
unique volunteer program offered by OASIS Pittsburgh encourages mature adults to
make a difference in a child’s life by helping them discover the magic of
reading. OASIS trains adults ages 50 and older to tutor children in grades K –
4. The program creates a strong reading foundation for the student at a critical
time in his or her educational development. By improving their reading skills
and not falling behind in class, children are better positioned to succeed in
life. According to a KIDS COUNT Special Report from the Annie E. Casey
Foundation, if a child does not learn to read by the third grade, he or she is
more prone to becoming a dropout and living a life of poverty, crime and
I often try to
highlight programs that are good for the
community, and this is certainly one of
them. Not only does the program
encourage volunteerism, it allows older
adults to use their experience and
knowledge to help children. More than
120 OASIS tutors volunteer with 183
students. Tutors are especially active
in the Pittsburgh Public School
District. In all, the program has helped
more than 1,320 students over the last
ten years.
Volunteers are people
from all walks of life, some retired,
some not, but they all find enjoyment in
the work they do with OASIS. If you are
interested in getting involved with
OASIS, visit its
website for more information.
Membership is free and open to anyone 50
and older.

Souper Bowl Sunday
the Steelers gear up for its eighth Super Bowl appearance on February 6th, the
Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank is encouraging fans to take part in
“Souper Bowl” Sunday. The Souper Bowl of Caring is a movement that fights hunger
nationwide. You can get involved by having an event anytime leading up to the
Super Bowl, such as a Super Bowl party, food drive, or church collection, and
then donate the funds and/or food to an agency in your neighborhood.
Each event, big or
small, makes a difference. After
tallying your collections, email the
Food Bank at
[email protected] to
report your event and its outcome so
workers can calculate the regional
total. For ideas and inspiration, visit
Souper Bowl of Caring website.

And Speaking of the
Super Bowl…
Sunday marks the Steelers’ eighth Super
Bowl appearance, there are plenty of
festivities leading up to the game…
The County and City
will host a “Shred the Packers Rally” on
Thursday, February 3rd on Forbes Avenue
and Ross Street in downtown Pittsburgh.
As part of the rally, Myron Cope’s
daughter, Elizabeth, will lead the Myron
Cope Terrible Towel Wave, there will be
three Steelers fan contests (best sign
slogan, best player look-a-like, and
best Steelers apparel), and the Mayor
will be shredding a giant cheese head.
Steely McBeam will be on hand, there
will be free Steelers giveaways, local
schools will get the crowd ready with
cheers and marching bands, there will be
complimentary face painting, and
complimentary food or refreshments will
also be available.
on Thursday, at 1 p.m. in Market Square,
the “DIGIORNO High Five Challenge” will
be held. A competition between Green Bay
and Pittsburgh fans to break the
Guinness Book of World Records for the
most simultaneous high fives. Steelers
great Jack Ham will lead the contest.
DiGiorno will be passing out free pizza
and will donate $5 for each participant
to the Pittsburgh Food Bank. For more
information on the contest, visit
DiGiorno’s facebook page.
Now through February
6th, visit the
Children’s Museum for its Black and
Gold Days. You can celebrate the
Steelers in their art studio by making a
black and gold silk screen print,
creating black and gold handmade paper,
painting your face to support the team,
making and wearing a black and gold hat,
and write your own message to the team
on the giant Steelers banner.
you want an up close and personal view
of the Lamar Hunt Trophy (AFC
Championship), then visit the
Western PA Sports Museum through
February 6th to see the newly unveiled
trophy! Get your photo with the trophy
and relive great moments in Steelers
history. In honor of the black and
gold's road to their seventh Super Bowl
victory, all visitors will receive a
special $7 adult and senior admission to
the History Center and Sports Museum as
part of the "Pound the Packers"
promotion, now through Monday, February
has issued a challenge to Green Bay that
Steelers Nation is bigger, better,
bolder and braver than Packers Nation.
From now until the Super Bowl on
February 6th, register as a member of
Steelers Nation at VisitPgh and they'll
compare the number of registrations with
those of Green Bay's. When you register,
you'll also be entered to win their
2011 Opening Day Game Package! While
you’re there, declare yourself a
certified member of Steelers Nation by
downloading a
“Citizen of Steelers
Nation” certificate and prove to Green
Bay Packers fans that Steelers Nation is
louder and prouder than any fan base in
National Football League history.
This week has been
declared Black & Gold Steelers Victory
Week in the city and county, so fans are
encouraged to don black and gold all
week long!
Here We Go, Steelers!

Use Caution Around Snowplows
to all the snow we’ve had this winter, PennDOT has been busy clearing roadways
of snow and laying down salt. For your safety and the safety of others, make
sure you take extra precautions when driving near a snowplow. Remember to be
patient, slow down and turn your headlights on. PennDOT offers these additional
tips when winter weather strikes:
Stay at least six
car-lengths behind an operating plow
and remember that snow being thrown
from a plow can cause vehicles to
lose control;
Remain alert
since snowplows usually travel much
slower than other vehicles;
Never travel next
to a snowplow since plows can
quickly move sideways when hitting
drifts or cutting through heavy
Move as far away
from the centerline as safely as
possible when approaching a snowplow
head-on; and
Never try to pass
or get between several trucks
plowing side by side.
I also recommend
packing an emergency kit for your
vehicle. The kit should include
non-perishable food, water, a blanket, a
small shovel and extra clothing. Visit
PennDOT’s website for more driving
tips and information.

Senator Hughes,
former Philadelphia Eagle Mike Quick,
Senator Fontana, former student athlete
Tracy Yatsko, former Philadelphia Eagle
Harold Carmichael and Senator Costa
pause for a photo before participating
in a press conference announcing the
introduction of
SB 200 - Youth
Concussion in Sports legislation.

Around the District
This past week was also my first meeting
on the Board of the
Authority of Allegheny County. Although
the issues before us were routine, I and
my fellow board members look forward to
items that affect the development of our
region at future meetings.
There were several meetings in
Harrisburg this week as well. The local
Ben Franklin (Innovation Works) shared
its success stories from local
businesses that it helped and also made
a plea for continuing support of the
Senate Bill 200, the Youth
Concussion in Sports legislation, was
introduced with the help of the Brain
Injury Association of PA and former NFL
Players Harold Carmichael and Mike
Quick. The monthly meeting of
also this past week as the Board
continues to move forward with its
federal contract to service student
loans and also considers additional
in the district, I had several meetings
to provide updates on local development
projects. I also had the opportunity
with a couple of representatives from
League of Women Voters of Greater
Pittsburgh to talk about reform and
several issues of importance to the
I was also proud to be presented with a
framed print from
Point Park University
thanking me for my support of their
Academic Village. My thanks to Vice
President of External Affairs, Mariann
Geyer, for making the formal

Fontana Fact
According to Central
Connecticut State University, Pittsburgh
is the fifth most literate city in
America. The University’s report focuses
on six indicators of literacy, including
newspaper circulation, number of
bookstores, library resources,
periodical publishing resources,
educational attainment, and internet
resources. Click
here to view the complete list.

Offices of State Senator Wayne D. Fontana