PA Film Tax Credit Freeze
As you may have heard by now, Governor Corbett has instructed the Department of
Community & Economic Development to stop accepting applications for the PA Film
Production Tax Credit Program. Although the budget agreement reached by the
General Assembly calls for $60 million in credits to be available, and those
credits are against future revenues and do nothing to help the current budget –
that is the decision that has been made.
you, I was shocked to hear that he has taken such action and am deeply concerned
about the impact that it will have on jobs and revenues in our region. I support
the Film Tax Credit and have long been an advocate for this program. I have
boasted of its impact on our region and state in many forums. In the News &
Views alone, I have frequently spoken about the productions occurring in our
region – and the impact that it has on our economy. I will continue to voice
that message, but I do not have a decision on this issue. It is solely in the
hands of the Governor. Although I have asked for more detailed information on
why the freeze was imposed, which productions it impacts and when it will be
lifted, I have yet to receive those answers.
In 2009, an independent report on the Film Production Tax Credit showed that it
has a high level of multiplier impacts and is in the top 10% of Commonwealth
industries. That report showed that the program has an estimated $58.2 million
cost to the Commonwealth in terms of tax credits. The industry generates an
estimated $17.9 million in additional state and local tax revenues and also
produces fiscal benefits of $62.7 million. For FY 2007-08 (the dates reviewed
for the last report), direct spending from the movie industry totaled $267.3
million, the output totaled $524.6 million, wages totaled $146.5 million and
3,960 jobs were created.

Authority Route Changes
Many of you have contacted me by phone and expressed concerns
that your route is being cut or that the service has been reduced. While I
appreciate your advocacy on this issue, the information that has been put out is
misleading and, in some cases, incorrect.
Last year, when the
proposed service cuts were going to
reach 35%, I and other members of the
Allegheny County delegation in the
General Assembly lobbied the Governor to
help sustain mass transit in Allegheny
County. Because of our actions, the
Governor identified $45 million in
unused economic development funds that
were directed to the Port Authority. As
a result, the Board scaled back the cuts
to only 15% so that the additional $45
million secured by the legislature would
last for 18 months. (Had it not been for
the legislature's request and advocacy,
the proposed cuts would be at 35% right
currently provides 63% of the Port
Authority's budget. In this fiscal year,
the state provided $184.4 million in
operating assistance and another $34.9
million in asset maintenance for a total
of $219.3 million in state support. The
budget is also funded by revenues from
riders ($78.6 million), federal funds
($22.3 million) and local funds ($30
million), but the BULK of the funding
comes directly from the state.
A large part of the
Port Authority's budget includes
post-retirement benefits, specifically
health care. Health care and pension
expenses have risen at an annual rate of
21.8%. These costs are impacting the
authority's ability to operate. As a
comparison, the line item for
post-retirement health care in the Port
Authority budget this year totals $34
million. The Southeastern PA
Transportation Authority (SEPTA), which
is located in Philadelphia and is four
times the size of the Port Authority,
has a line item for post-retirement
health care of only $8 million.
Pennsylvania state law prohibits any
further restructuring of pension and
health care benefits for retirees, who
currently make up 50% of the authority's
costs. Only the union itself could make
Based on that
information, it is unlikely that more
funding will be forthcoming from the
state for the Port Authority at this
time. The state has provided substantial
funding to mass transit across the
state, but the Port Authority's legacy
costs are continuing to drive this
issue. The post-retirement benefits for
which the authority is responsible
(specifically health care) have risen at
an annual rate of 21.8%. They must come
up with a solution, locally, to address
that cost. The local match is funded by
Allegheny County's drink and car rental
taxes. In peer cities across the
country, only Baltimore and Salt Lake
City provide less local funding to their
transit than Allegheny County does - and
Baltimore's system is actually operated
by the state of Maryland.
Last but not least, I
have no role in the decision that was
made on service cuts and reductions. It
is entirely in the hands of the Port
Authority Board and it is those
individuals that you should be
contacting, if you have not done so
already. You can do so by visiting their
website at and clicking
on "Contact Us" or by calling Customer
Service at 412-442-2000.

Homestead Exemption
Deadline Approaches
you haven’t yet filed a homestead
exemption application for your property,
there’s still time. The deadline for
application is next Tuesday, March 1st.
Under the Gaming Act, property tax
relief money for property owners who
have filed for the homestead exemption
is sent directly to the school district
and is credited against your property
tax bill.
You only need to file a homestead
exemption once. If you have already done
so you do not need to do it again. If
you need help determining whether you
already have a homestead exemption on
your property, stop by any one of my
district offices and my staff will be
happy to assist you. You can also visit
website for information on how to
check for your homestead exemption by
yourself and more information on the
program and taxpayer relief provided
through gaming.

Spring Job Fair
you looking for a job? Whether you’re unemployed or trying to find another job,
the Community College of Allegheny County’s (CCAC)
Spring Job Fair is just your opportunity. Come meet with employers who have
jobs that need filled immediately on Wednesday, March 9th from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
at CCAC’s South Campus (Building B, 4th Floor Commons). The Job Fair is free and
open to the public, so dress professionally and bring plenty of resumes!

Don’t Forget…
You can also search for jobs 24/7 on the front windows of my Brookline Boulevard
office at the Job Corner. Employment information received from companies
throughout our region is posted in the windows on an ongoing basis. If you
haven’t checked out the Job Corner for yourself, or haven’t viewed it lately, I
invite you to stop by.

Resource Guide for Deaf, Deafblind and
Hard of Hearing
The Behavioral Health Task Force has recently updated its online resource guide
for persons who are deaf, deafblind or hard of hearing. The Southwestern
Pennsylvania-area resource guide contains a list of regional behavioral health
care providers that work with people who are deaf or hard of hearing. It also
has information for persons who are deafblind, physicians, audiologists,
behavioral health care professionals and the general public. There are more than
a dozen agencies and programs listed in the guide.
You can download and print the guide for free on the
Behavioral Health Task Force for Persons who are Deaf, Deafblind and Hard of
Hearing of Allegheny County website and on the
Allegheny County Department of Human Services website. If you have questions
or concerns regarding your rights and accommodations, call the Disabilities
Rights Network intake line at 1-800-692-7443.

Around the District
The early part of last week was spent in
Harrisburg. I had several meetings with
constituents and interest groups
including the
Calgon Carbon Corporation, the
Pittsburgh Public Schools, companies
interested in the future of the
PA Recycling Market Center, the
Housing Authority of the City of
Pittsburgh, the
Broadband Cable Association and
Duquesne University.
Law & Justice Committee also met
last week for the first in what will be
a series of hearings on the issue of
possibly privatizing the liquor stores.
Back in the district, I met with the
developers of the One Grandview
Hotel/Condo project in Mt. Washington
for an update on their progress. As I
noted a few weeks ago, you can keep up
with the progress of the project
yourself by “friending” them on
On Thursday evening, I had the pleasure
of presenting Senate proclamations to
Phillip Ameris, Sr., John Weinstein and
Samuel Staten, Sr. on behalf of my
colleagues from Allegheny County. All
three men received awards at the 3rd
Annual Mid-Atlantic Community Fund
Dinner. Congratulations to each of them
on the recognition!
On Friday, it was my pleasure to talk
with members of the
Constructive Legislative Council of
Western PA about what is going on in
Harrisburg and to discuss with them the
issues that are of interest and
importance to them.
Although I was unable to attend, Tony
Mosesso of my staff ably represented me
at the Brentwood VFW 49th Person of the
Year Banquet where The Honorable Mike
McCarthy, Judge of the Allegheny County
Court of Common Pleas, was recognized
with the Person of the Year award. A
Senate Resolution was presented to Judge
McCarthy on behalf of myself and Senator
Orie, congratulating him on this great

Fontana Fact
you know Pittsburgh played a major role
in the coffee market in the 1800’s? A
man by the name of John Arbuckle
(1838-1912) packaged the first ground
coffee in Pittsburgh. John invented a
machine which filled, weighed, sealed
and labeled coffee in paper packages.
Arbuckles’ Ariosa Coffee emerged as a
major seller of American coffee. The
company got its start in the 1860’s on
Pittsburgh’s Liberty Avenue, which is
where the Arbuckle family owned a
grocery business.

Offices of State Senator Wayne D. Fontana