to Our Pittsburgh Steelers!
Although the outcome
wasn’t the one we wanted, I am still so
proud of our Pittsburgh Steelers and
congratulate them on an outstanding
season. We are Pittsburgh Proud – and
that includes each and every member of
the AFC Championship team and staff of
our Stillers! Until next year…

Force on Homeless Children’s Education Moving Forward
Senate Bill 157 (SB
157), legislation to create a Task Force on Homeless Children’s Education,
has taken a step forward with its unanimous approval by the Senate Education
Committee earlier this morning.
I am grateful to the committee for acting so quickly on this
bill and I look forward to working with my colleagues to continue moving this
bill forward. We must act now. The sooner such legislation is enacted, the
sooner we can begin identifying ways to protect these children, ensure that they
have access to education and services at their most vulnerable times and
position the Commonwealth to become a leader in the advocacy for and the
provision of services to these children.
The legislation would create a 17-member task force to
conduct a study of the homeless child population. The Department of Education
would develop the surveys necessary for obtaining the information and to
identify not only the numbers, but also the length of homelessness, number of
episodes of homelessness, their living situation, ages and grade levels, school
attendance rates and gaps in enrollment, access to services and after school
programs, and the causes and signs of homelessness. With that information, the
task force could assess what barriers exist and stand in the way of serving the
needs of children; identify successful strategies for serving homeless students;
target strategies for informing parents, students and school districts of the
educational services available to homeless children, and find best practices
used in other states to educate homeless students. The report issued by the task
force will provide a road map for the Commonwealth to improve educational
opportunities for homeless children in Pennsylvania.
As you know, Pittsburgh is home to many organizations that
provide food, shelter and life-saving programs to those in need. These services
can be a true lifeline to individuals who have suddenly found themselves
homeless. Having access to bare necessities such as food and shelter can make
all of the difference in the world – and can give parents the strength and
ability to overcome adversity. Functional, caring parents can support children
who have the chance to succeed in school and grow up as healthy, productive
citizens. As a result, Pittsburgh communities can grow and prosper. Won’t you
support them today?

Pittsburgh Civic Leadership Academy
Residents of the City of Pittsburgh have until 5 p.m. today
to submit their application to participate in the 2011
Civic Leadership Academy.
The Civic Leadership Academy is a free, 10-week course about local government in
the City of Pittsburgh created to foster more informed, effective, and inspired
community and civic leadership. It includes tours, interactive demonstrations,
and hands-on activities that give an up-close and personal view of how the City
is operated and governed. In each class, participants learn about the services
that a different City department provides, and ways in which communities can
engage with that department to create a safer, more livable City.
You bring your time, an open mind and a commitment to use the
knowledge that you gain to make a positive difference in Pittsburgh and, in
return, you get access to all of the City’s Directors and a unique chance to
learn about the inner workings of your local government. For more information,
call 412-255-4765 or e-mail
[email protected].

Black History Month
February is Black History Month. I was proud to serve as a co-sponsor of
Senate Resolution 14 recognizing this annual celebration of achievements by
black Americans in Pennsylvania. There are a number of events taking place in
the region this month to recognize the central role of African Americans in our
country’s history. Since 1976, every U.S. president has designated the month of
February as Black History Month – won’t you join all of us in the celebration?
“The Strength of Steel: A Tribute to African American
Steelworkers in Pittsburgh” is a free exhibit displayed in the City-County
Building (414 Grant Street). The exhibit features photographs and memorabilia
honoring those who helped transform Pittsburgh into the Steel City. You can view
the exhibit from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. through February 25th.
Check out “Black Angels Over Tuskegee” at Byham Theater on
February 27th and 28th. The play is based on the real-life experiences of the
Tuskegee Airmen, a celebrated African-American air squadron during WWII. It
tells the story of men who exhibited the courage to excel, in spite of the odds
against them. Proceeds will support efforts to build a monument for the Tuskegee
Airmen in the Sewickley War Memorial Park. For tickets call 412-456-6666.
You can also celebrate Black History Month with the Carnegie
Library of Pittsburgh. Check out the
Library’s website for books and resources for adults and kids. You can also
view photos online of Historic Black Pittsburgh from the Library’s Pennsylvania

One-Stop Shop for Student Aid
Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) has made it easier to
apply for student aid through its website. You can now access the Pennsylvania
state grant form directly from the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
form if this is your first time applying for aid. The FAFSA is essential in
determining eligibility for a variety of student aid options, while the
Pennsylvania State Grant provides free money to those who meet
eligibility requirements. This ease of access feature is convenient for
students and makes applicants more aware of the state grant.
The FAFSA connection to the state grant form is only available the first time a
student completes the FAFSA. Those who have already submitted their FAFSA will
need to visit account access through the secure sign-in at to complete the
state grant form.
As a member of PHEAA's Board of Directors, I will continue to update you with
information that may be beneficial to students or future students in the
district. Visit for
more information on student aid.

& Sailors Hall of Valor
As Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hall &
Museum continues the celebration of its
100th anniversary, it is looking for
information on men and women who may
qualify for the Hall of Valor. As you
know, Soldiers & Sailors honors
Pennsylvanians who served the United
States in its military endeavors during
our country’s history. The Joseph A.
Dugan Hall of Valor is a big part of the
Memorial. This distinct tradition is
dedicated to combat veterans who went
above and beyond the call of duty while
in action against the enemy.
The Hall of Valor is open to veterans
who were born, enlisted, or lived most
of their lives after service in
Pennsylvania, and received one of the
following medals: Medal of Honor,
Distinguished Service Cross,
Distinguished Flying Cross,
Distinguished Navy Cross, Silver Star,
Air Force Cross or Soldiers Medal. If
you qualify, or know someone who might
(living or deceased), please call Casey
Patterson, Senior Administrative
Assistant, at 412-681-4253, extension
206. You may also email her at
[email protected] for
Be sure to keep an eye out for events
and activities as part of Soldiers &
Sailors year-long centennial celebration
by visiting its
website. You can also
click here to see a Resolution (SR
407) I presented on the Senate floor
last fall to honor Soldiers & Sailors,
which opened its doors the weekend of
October 9, 1910.

App Contest
Are you mobile savvy enough to create your own app? If so, use your creativity
to develop an app that promotes the use of Pennsylvania trails and enhances the
fun that trail users can have in the state. The contest is being sponsored by
Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, in partnership with the
Pennsylvania Department of Conservation of Natural Resources and the
Pennsylvania Tourism Office. The winning app will have the distinction of being
Pennsylvania’s first official smart phone trails app.
The contest runs through April 15th. The grand prize winner will receive an
Apple iPad. Developers are able to take advantage of statewide trail information
that is accessible to the public. Visit the
Explore PA
Trails website to download trail information and for contest rules.

Around the District
Last Tuesday was the second SBDC
Outreach Day of 2011 in my Kennedy
Office. This resource continues to be
used by businesses and future
entrepreneurs in the district as they
look to grow, or create, their business.
If you haven’t yet visited the office on
Outreach Day or taken advantage of the
expert advice that the SBDC can provide,
now’s the chance. The next scheduled
Outreach Day is Tuesday, March 8th.
Although appointments are not necessary,
you can contact Client Services Liaison
John Dobransky at 412-624-2290 to
reserve your space now.
I am proud to be working with Dormont
Borough on their efforts to save the
Hollywood Theater. This past week, I
participated in a meeting with the
Friends of the Hollywood Theater & The
Bradley Center to discuss opportunities
for the theater and plans for future
actions to preserve this great community
I also had the opportunity to tour a
Quest Diagnostics lab located in my
district, along with my colleague
Senator Brewster this week. Quest
Diagnostics has been around since 1967
and is the world leader in diagnostic
testing, information and services. The
company performs testing for more than
half a million patients each day. This
region’s economy is built upon the
health care industry and I am sure will
continue to grow in the future. I am
proud to have Quest Diagnostics in the
42nd district and even more pleased that
the company continues to grow. Watch my
News & Views for news of an upcoming job
fair for Quest.

Senator Brewster and Senator Fontana
visited the Quest Diagnostics lab in
Green Tree last week for a tour and a Q
& A session with the employees.
My thanks to Goldberg, Kamin & Garvin
for their invitation to participate in a
legislative breakfast this past
Saturday. It was a great opportunity to
speak with municipal officials about the
issues that are of interest and
importance to them and to provide them
with information on the issues that the
state is addressing that impact them.
This is an annual breakfast and I am
proud to have participated in it since I
was first elected to the Senate.
While I was on my way to Harrisburg, my
district director, Kate Kilkeary Reiche,
ably represented me at the Let Our
Voices Be Heard Ambassador Training. She
talked with the members of the group
about the services provided by our
office, but also let them know that we
are just regular people who are easy to
reach out to on issues of concern to
I am in Harrisburg now as the Senate is
in session through tomorrow. There are a
number of meetings on the calendar this
week. The PA Alliance of Approved
Private Schools, including Pressley
Ridge, was in to talk about their budget
concerns and issues. I have also had the
opportunity to meet with a number of
Secretary nominees and hear from them
about their plans for their respective
Departments and agencies. Finally, the
Senate held a special memorial for
former Senator Mike O’Pake earlier
today. His loss will be felt for some
time to come in our chamber.

Fontana Fact
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
recently did a series about regional
economies, and Pittsburgh was
appropriately featured in one of its
reports. Click
here to listen to it (the Pittsburgh
piece is about 35 minutes in). It
focuses on Pittsburgh’s transition from
a city known for its steel making, to a
city leading the way in education,
technology and medicine. At one point,
the BBC reporter calls Pittsburgh’s
environmental and economic renaissance

Offices of State Senator Wayne D. Fontana