Senator Fontana joined Greg Herb,
Legislative Committee Chairman of the PA
Association of REALTORS®, from the left,
and Representatives Sue Helm, Dick
Stevenson and Garth Everett at a panel
discussion about the REALTORS®’ Top 3
Legislative Issues. The panel was part
of the REALTORS®’ Public Policy &
Political Affairs Seminar held in
Harrisburg last Tuesday and Wednesday.
Negotiations Between Port Authority and
Its Union Continue
was glad to hear that the Port Authority and its
union (Amalgamated Transit Union Local 85)
picked up talks again on Friday afternoon and
are bargaining over concession proposals to be
able to restore the service reductions that took
place on March 27th. The giveback offer is
historic and I am hopeful that, through
continued negotiations, real progress can be
made in addressing future legacy costs for
retired employees, primarily health-care
expenses, which is one of the big cost drivers
in the Port Authority.
In his remarks before County Council this past
week, Port Authority Executive Director Steve
Bland told members that the future of the
authority depends on the willingness of the
state to provide a dedicated source of funding
that is guaranteed inflation-adjusted. He also
laid out several steps that he thought would
make a case for that funding, including
additional funding from the County and the
creation of a special committee on public
transportation, but noted that solving the
problem depends on the willingness of the state
legislature to provide a dedicated source of
Contrary to Mr. Bland’s remarks, the state
legislature has provided two direct sources of
funding to the Port Authority. The first was Act
44, which established a funding source that
provided for automatic increases, a stable
source of funding and performance-driven
funding. Clearly, the denial of the I-80 tolling
by the federal government has impacted those
increases and stability, but the state
legislature has ensured that the Port Authority
still receives as much as possible under the
current funding stream. The Governor has
indicated that he will not increase taxes or
fees, but his Acting Secretary of
Transportation, Barry Schoch, has announced that
the Governor is in the process of forming a task
force to make recommendations on how to finance
transportation in the Commonwealth.
The second direct source of funding is in the
hands of the County. The legislature gave the
County the ability to impose a car rental and
drink tax in 2007 with the intent that the funds
be used to increase the county support for
transit. Although capped at 10% for the drink
tax and $2 per day for the car rental tax, the
County’s current rate is only at 7% for the
drink tax (reduced in December 2009). In 2010,
the drink tax brought in $27.4 million and the
car rental tax brought in $5.6 million for a
total of $33 million.
cannot speak for all members of the state
legislature, but my recognition of the
importance of public transportation and the need
to have dedicated funding has not wavered. It is
absolutely a priority – it relates to jobs,
economic development, and the health and
well-being of our community. The proof that the
state legislature does recognize its importance
is reflected in the fact that 63% of the Port
Authority’s budget is provided by the
Commonwealth – that is a higher percentage than
even the Southeast Pennsylvania Transit
Authority (SEPTA) receives.
That funding level is also one of the reasons
that I have introduced legislation that would
change the Port Authority Board’s make-up to
ensure that the Commonwealth has a seat at the
table. Senate Bill 926 (SB 926) amends the
Second Class County Port Authority Act to
require that one member of the board shall be a
member of the Senate and one shall be a member
of the House of Representatives. Additionally,
one member shall represent labor and one member
shall be a member of the transit council. The
bill also retains the representative from County
I don’t believe that having representation at
the table will solve all of the problems, but I
do believe that designating these specific
members will provide a clearer picture of the
state’s responsibility and capability to address
funding and to identify options available
locally. It is time for the county to expand the
board’s perspective for its local funding
decisions and options.
2011-12 Budget
Thursday, the Senate Appropriations
Committee finished its budget hearings
and the gathering of information from
the many Departments and agencies that
are funded by the Commonwealth. Now, the
hard part comes. While we await a bill
from the House of Representatives (it is
rumored that it will be introduced after
Easter), the Senate Democratic Caucus is
still meeting and have ongoing
conversations about our priorities and
what can be done to address those
priorities in this budget process.
As I have mentioned previously, many of
the concerns that our Caucus had appear
to have been shared by the Republican
members of the Senate if the hearings
were any indication. In fact, we have
seen some bi-partisan support of efforts
to restore education funding as well as
imposing a Marcellus shale tax. How
those efforts play out over the next few
months will say a lot about what this
process will look like in the coming
years as well.
Many of you have contacted me directly
on the budget and the issues with which
you have a concern. Please be assured
that I am with you and am going to be
your voice on these issues in
Harrisburg, but – as I have asked before
- we need the voters to
tell Governor
Corbett that his budget is not their
budget. The Republican members of the
House and Senate need to hear that same
message. We all understand that we must
live within our means, but there is much
work to be done at the negotiating
table. The budget process is always a
difficult process. We must work within
the parameters that have been set and
giving more money in one area means
taking away money from another – or
identifying new revenues. I don’t know
what all of the answers are, but I am
going to continue to look for them and
fight to protect my constituents.
PA Works
The sixth and final component of the PA Works plan is a focus on tax fairness.
No one disputes that an improved business tax climate is essential to PA’s
economic recovery. What some have failed to acknowledge, though, is that it is
not just big business that should have an improved tax climate – but all
businesses. Reducing corporate tax rates and implementing principles of tax
fairness will make Pennsylvania a more business-friendly, competitive state. The
four bills in this portion of the plan identify common-sense reforms that will
stimulate economic growth and business development.
first bill addresses the Delaware Loophole. Large corporations who do business
in Pennsylvania park their "paperwork" across the border in Delaware and, as a
result, do not pay state taxes here. Thanks to a special exemption in Delaware
law, they pay no state income tax there either. This “loophole” only applies to
companies that are designated as C Corporations and while it is a completely
legal tax strategy, it’s not a very fair one. Smaller businesses must pay the
state corporate income tax, in addition to other federal and local taxes.
Although the names of companies that utilize the Delaware Loophole are
confidential (all information on PA tax returns is confidential), estimates
suggest that the loophole costs Pennsylvania $450 million a year and that 75% of
all corporations take advantage of this opportunity.
Legislation in the PA Works plan would close the Delaware loophole by
implementing combined reporting to require that state tax returns be filed
consistently with federal returns to recoup lost revenue. By doing so, the
Corporate Net Income (CNI) tax rate could be reduced to 7.5% from its current
rate of 9.99% (the second highest in the nation).
A second bill proposes increasing the single sales factor; this method is used
to divide business income among states for the purpose of taxation. By allowing
taxation to be based solely on sales, home-based Pennsylvania corporations would
receive more favorable tax treatment for their PA sales and wouldn’t have
increases in staff and property/equipment count against them in determining
their taxes due.
The third bill would increase the Net Operating Loss (NOL) ceiling. The NOL is
an important tool for new and early-stage businesses that may have suffered
income losses in their early years of development. Many technology and
health-science companies, which the Pittsburgh region is flush in, find
themselves in this situation and are able to use the NOL to reduce their taxable
income. The proposal is to increase the ceiling for NOL claims from $3 million
to $5 million and from 20% to 25% of taxable income.
Finally, the fourth bill is aimed at exploring other options to modernize the
tax system in PA. The Capital Stock and Franchise Tax (CSFT) is an onerous tax
that is currently being phased out. Before eliminating it, however, this bill
would delay the phase-out until January 1, 2013 and use the $80 million in
revenues to capitalize the PA Works fund. When the phase-out is complete in
2015, consideration should be given to an Alternative Minimum Tax to continue
the investment in the fund and insure that all businesses continue to make at
least some modest annual business tax payment.
Other states such as Ohio have recently addressed the tax fairness issue by
making even more drastic changes to their business tax system by instituting a
transaction-based rather than a profit-based business tax system. While such an
overhaul would take time to implement responsibly, this system and other tax
models deserve serious study in an effort to reform our tax code and create a
fairer, more affordable and competitive business tax climate here in
Brookline – We’ve Moved!
My Brookline Office has moved – right next door! Come and visit our new offices
at 932 Brookline Boulevard. My phone and fax numbers, and all other contact
information remain the same!
Have You RSVP’d?
Tomorrow evening is the community meeting regarding the IGA Market on Broadway –
and we’re holding it in the IGA Market on Broadway! The meeting begins at 7 p.m.
Although RSVP’s are not necessary, it allows us to plan for seating so if you
have not yet RSVP’d,
please do.
Theater Opening Again
Have you heard? The Hollywood Theater in Dormont will reopen on May 4th with a
showing of “The New Metropolis” hosted by 10,000 Friends of Pennsylvania. I am
thrilled to be a member of the Advisory Board of The Friends of the Hollywood
Theater and excited to see the planning and efforts going on in this community.
Although opening only part-time in May, The Friends of the Hollywood Theater
have big plans for later this summer. Stay tuned!
Around the District
This past week concluded the budget
hearings in Harrisburg. On Monday, the
Auditor General, the Judiciary and the
Department of Labor & Industry appeared
before the Senate Appropriations
Committee. That morning, a rally was
held with several hundred students,
faculty and staff of state colleges and
universities to support higher
education. It’s clear that those most
impacted by the proposed cuts understand
what it will mean to their education and
it was gratifying to hear many of my
colleagues, on both sides of the aisle,
also speak to their concerns.
Tuesday’s hearings included the
Departments of Education, Corrections
and Community & Economic Development.
There were many tough questions for the
Acting Secretaries – and I believe that
much more information needs to be
provided as we move through this
process. Also, on Tuesday, I
participated in a Legislative Panel at a
PA Association of Realtors conference. I
spoke about
SB 353, legislation prohibiting
private transfer fees, and why I believe
it’s a priority for our Commonwealth.
Representatives Helm, Everett and
Stevenson were also on the panel to
address the three legislative priorities
that the Realtors have for this session
– including licensure of appraisal
management companies and a repeal of the
sprinkler mandate.
The Department of Public Welfare and
Agriculture as well as the PA Gaming
Control Board answered questions of the
Appropriations Committee. Our gaming
industry continues to make progress,
even in a down economy. I was recently
contacted by a constituent who stated
that if Governor Corbett believes
imposing a tax on the Marcellus shale
industry will result in the loss of jobs
or a slower economy that he should look
to the gaming industry. One of the
highest taxes in the country is imposed
upon the industry, yet it continues to
make gains. Perhaps Governor Corbett
should take a note from that
Hearings concluded on Thursday morning
with appearances by the Department of
State, the PA Emergency Management
Agency and Homeland Security.
On Friday, the conversations turned back
to the district and its issues as I
attended meetings with Mayor Ravenstahl
to hear what the City’s legislative
priorities are and one with the
Wilkinsburg Penn Water Authority to
discuss water quality in Western PA. The
weekend and Monday also included several
meetings with constituents and groups
with budget and legislative concerns,
including a meeting with the American
Federation of Teachers in PA, before I
headed back to Harrisburg this morning
for session.
Fontana Fact
Seventy-nine (79) years ago this week,
Professor Charles Glen King of the
University of Pittsburgh isolated
vitamin C for the first time. After
years of research, Dr. King and a
colleague isolated vitamin C on April 4,
1932 in the juice of lemons. The
discovery later enabled researchers to
conclude that vitamin C has a major
impact in preventing scurvy and
malnutrition. It also led to the mass
production of vitamin C as a supplement.
Offices of State Senator Wayne D. Fontana