
Fontana aplaude la reanudación del desfile afroamericano

HARRISBURG, 9 de octubre de 2008 - El senador estatal Wayne D. Fontana (D-Allegheny) elogió hoy a los líderes y activistas de la comunidad por sus exitosos esfuerzos para reiniciar el Desfile del Día de la Herencia Afroamericana de este fin de semana. "El Desfile de la Herencia Afroamericana de Pittsburgh es un...

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Fontana Reminds Pennsylvanians to Register to Vote

HARRISBURG, October 2, 2008 - - State Sen. Wayne D. Fontana is reminding eligible Pennsylvanians that Monday, Oct. 6, is the deadline to register to vote in the November 4 General Election. “In November, citizens will have an opportunity to cast their ballot on an...

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Fontana: Se amplía hasta el 31 de diciembre el plazo para solicitar la devolución del impuesto sobre bienes inmuebles/reembolso del alquiler

HARRISBURG, 23 de junio - El senador estatal Wayne D. Fontana ha recordado hoy a los ciudadanos de la tercera edad que ahora tienen hasta el 31 de diciembre para solicitar el Programa ampliado de Reembolso del Impuesto sobre Bienes Inmuebles/Alquiler (PTRR) del estado. "Los ingresos del juego nos han permitido ampliar significativamente los beneficios y...

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Fontana Fights For Stronger Smoking Ban

Says Current Bill Would Have Blocked Tougher Allegheny County Ban HARRISBURG, June 4, 2008 – State Sen. Wayne D. Fontana (D-Allegheny) said the Senate took bipartisan action today in favor of a stronger statewide smoking ban that would protect Allegheny County’s right...

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Fontana Heralds Re-Opening of Point State Park

PITTSBURGH, MAY 30, 2008 – State Sen. Wayne D. Fontana today joined Governor Rendell, DCNR Secretary DiBerardinis and representatives of the PA Historical & Museum Commission, Riverlife Task Force, and the Allegheny Conference on Community Development at a...

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Fontana and White Introduce EITC Information Act

HARRISBURG, May 13, 2008 - State Sen. Wayne D. Fontana and Rep. Jesse White today announced the joint introduction of legislation creating the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Information Act.  Senate Bill 1354 and House Bill 2474 would require employers to notify...

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Fontana Reminds Students of College Grant Deadline

HARRISBURG, April 23, 2008 - - State Sen. Wayne D. Fontana today reminded students and their families that May 1 is the filing deadline for the Federal Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which is used to determine eligibility for Pennsylvania’s need-based...

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Fontana: Gulf War Bonus Applications Available

HARRISBURG, April 8, 2008 — State Senator Wayne D. Fontana today announced that veterans of the Persian Gulf Conflict can obtain a bonus application at any of his local district offices. “It is important that we honor the commitment and sacrifice of all war veterans,”...

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Fontana Rallies to Improve Economic Competitiveness

HARRISBURG, March 18, 2008 – Senator Wayne D. Fontana (D-Allegheny) joined with other legislators and the CompetePA Coalition at a news conference in Harrisburg today to generate support for Senate Bill 1229, the High-Tech & Manufacturing Stimulus Act.  The bill...

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Fontana Urges Students to File Soon for Financial Aid

PITTSBURGH, February 8, 2008 - - State Sen. Wayne D. Fontana today urged college-bound students to complete and file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as possible. “The cost of college can be very daunting,” Fontana said. “I urge students...

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