HARRISBURG, February 6, 2018 – Sen. Wayne D. Fontana (D-Allegheny) today provided the following statement on Gov. Tom Wolf’s $32.9 billion budget proposal for fiscal 2018-19:
“I applaud the governor’s proposal and spending priorities. I’m pleased that the governor is committed to again holding the line on broad-based taxes and has offered a balanced spending plan that the legislature should readily finalize on time this year.
“Hopefully, the final budget will include provisions that would help businesses expand, spur more jobs and increase wages. The governor’s proposal to increase the minimum wage to $12 per hour would give over 100,00 Pennsylvanians an instant raise — and fuel a ripple-like wage increase for nearly a million others. I will also fight to continue grant, loan and tax incentive efforts aimed at helping businesses start up, expand and flourish.
“I was also pleased to see the governor’s plan to invest further in education by $225 million. More money for our schools, workforce development initiatives, manufacturing investment and technical education initiatives will all help stoke our economy and make us a destination for business relocation and expansion.
“Finally, I’m encouraged by Governor Wolf’s determination to quell the state’s worsening opioid epidemic. His plan to streamline government and improve efficiencies will also go a long way.”
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