Allegheny CountyJune 24, 2024 – Today, State Senator Wayne Fontana announced grants totaling $95,000 to three historic preservation projects in the 42nd Senatorial District.

“We are proud of our history in Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania,” said Sen. Fontana. “And it is our duty to preserve that history. I am proud to support these projects and very pleased to see state grant funding coming to my district.”

Keystone Historic Preservation Grants provide funding to support projects that identify, preserve, promote, and protect historic and archaeological resources in Pennsylvania for both the benefit of the public and the revitalization of communities. The grants are funded by a portion of the state’s Realty Transfer Tax.

The City of Pittsburgh will receive $20,000 for its project to revise the National Register listing of the Manchester Historic District to include civil rights and community development of the 1950s and 1960s. The District was originally recognized in 1975, but additional research and interviews revealed the need to revise the listing.

Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy will receive $50,000 to restore the Valley Refuge Shelter in Riverview Park. The restoration will include roof, masonry, electrical systems, plumbing, and paving repairs. The shelter was built in 1939 as part of President Roosevelt’s New Deal National Youth Association program.

The Society to Preserve the Millvale Murals of Maxo Vanka will receive $25,000 towards its work to preserve the murals inside St. Nicholas Croatian Catholic Church.

The Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission awarded a total of $2,180,000 to historical and heritage organizations, museums, and local governments. For a list of all the awardees and to learn more about the PHMC, visit their website,
